Ladislav Rampášek
Research Scientist, Isomorphic Labs • Previously: Mila + UdeM / UofT

Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow in the group of Guy Wolf (UdeM), investigating questions at the intersection of graph representation learning, graph signal processing, and geometric deep learning.
I completed my PhD at the University of Toronto in Anna Goldenberg’s group, where I developed latent-variable models for cancer treatment outcome prediction and drug perturbation effect modelling.
In fall 2018 I interned in Google Accelerated Science team (Mountain View, CA), where I developed machine learning models for predicting drug effects on cell phenotype from the drug molecular structure.
In 2016 I interned in Atomwise (San Francisco, CA), where I worked on 3D convolutional neural nets to predict small molecule binding to protein targets and for scoring of the 3D binding poses.
My CV can be found here.